Here's the code for a new game That I've created! It's called X-PLOD3 (pronounced as explode)... The idea of the game sprouted when I and my brother along with our friends Stephen and Ephraim sat down. Earlier in the day, Ephraim played my Hand Cricket game and got surprisingly hooked to it :). It was really motivational to see someone like my game! After a while, he (Ephraim) came up to me and asked if I had any other games other than the 2 (both which I have blogged). I said no but, I also mentioned that If he had any idea then I'd make it into one. He said let's do something new and we started spitting out ideas and as a result of that mindless mixture of ideas this game took its shape. Well, enough said. Now about the game. The game's rules are simple. At each turn, 5 missiles randomly head towards the Earth , each randomly in any of the three 120 degree sectors ( left sector , middle sector and the right sector ). At each turn, you have 5 m...