What Google says about your favorite Programming Language

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Here is something interesting that I did. :)

I did a quick Google search( not exactly ) to see what are the top most results in the drop down menu of google search bar

I have done Google search for the following 10 programming languages

  1. C
  2. C++
  3. C#
  4. Java
  5. JavaScript
  6. Objective C
  7. Perl
  8. PHP
  9. Python 
  10. Ruby

So, here are the results!

C : (My favorite!)

C++ :

C# :

Java :

JavaScript :

Objective C :

Perl :


Python :

Ruby :

Most of them show pretty much the same, but hope you liked the post.

Here's some food for thought before leaving :)

keep thinking and See ya later!


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