2048 using C++
I still remember the first time I solved the 2048 along with my friend Prayank during a lunch break when I was in 12th grade... I went onto achieve some remarkable feats in the android app such as this:
Just the last day I started to think about the algorithm of 2048 and as a result of that train of thoughts this program resulted. I've made the game and also achieved 2048 in it (Yeah, yeah I could generate the tile but I'm saying the truth I played to get it)
here's the video of the game, hope you enjoy it:
here's the source code for the game :
// 2048 game using C++
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "conio.h"
#include "time.h"
void clear(void)
system("cls"); //clear the screen
int box_values[4][4] = { 0 }; //stores all the values at various positions
void intro(void); //introduction to game
void DisplayValue(int,int); //displays value present at a particular position
void DisplayRow(int); //displays all the values present in a row with the help of above function
void DisplayBox(void); //displays the whole box with help of above two functions
int UserEntry(void); //to scan the user entry and then send entries accordingly into MechanismChange()
int MechanismChange(int&, int&, int&, int&); //changes the values of the sent entries. It also changes values present in the `box_values[][]`
int EndCheck(void); //checks for all the possible entries to find any entry where change in values is possible
int MechanismEndCheck(int, int, int, int); //change the values of the sent entries to check. It DOESNT change values present in the `box_values[][]`
int GenerateRandom(void); //used to generate a 2 or 4 at a position whose value is 0
void GamePlay(void); //the procedure in which game takes place
int main()
char wait;
srand((unsigned int) time(NULL));
scanf_s(" %c", &wait, 1);
return 0;
void intro(void)
FILE *file_pointer;
int ch;
char wait;
fopen_s(&file_pointer, "here.txt", "r");
if (file_pointer == NULL)
printf("file opening error!");
scanf_s(" %c", &wait, 1);
while ((ch = getc(file_pointer)) != EOF)
printf("%c", (char)ch);
printf("\n\ndevoloped by Cherubim :^). Enter any key to start : ");
scanf_s(" %c", &wait, 1);
void DisplayValue(int row_no, int col_no)
if (box_values[row_no][col_no] != 0)
printf("%5d", box_values[row_no][col_no]);
printf(" ");
void DisplayRow(int row_no)
for (int col_no = 0; col_no < 4; col_no++)
DisplayValue(row_no, col_no);
void DisplayBox(void)
printf("\t2048 v.1.0\n");
printf("w -> move up\n");
printf("a -> move left\n");
printf("s -> move down\n");
printf("d -> move right\n");
printf("x -> exit\n\n");
for (int row_no = 0; row_no < 4; row_no++)
int UserEntry(void)
char selection;
int is_change_present = 0;
printf("\nenter your selection ( w, a, s, d ) : ");
selection = _getch();
if (selection == 'w')
for (int index = 0; index < 4; index++)
is_change_present += MechanismChange(box_values[0][index], box_values[1][index], box_values[2][index], box_values[3][index]);
else if (selection == 'a')
for (int index = 0; index < 4; index++)
is_change_present += MechanismChange(box_values[index][0], box_values[index][1], box_values[index][2], box_values[index][3]);
else if (selection == 's')
for (int index = 0; index < 4; index++)
is_change_present += MechanismChange(box_values[3][index], box_values[2][index], box_values[1][index], box_values[0][index]);
else if (selection == 'd')
for (int index = 0; index < 4; index++)
is_change_present += MechanismChange(box_values[index][3], box_values[index][2], box_values[index][1], box_values[index][0]);
else if (selection == 'x')
char wait;
printf("invalid entry! use only w, a, s, d\n\n");
scanf_s(" %c", &wait, 1);
return 0;
if (is_change_present == 0)
return 0;
return 1;
int MechanismChange(int& value_1, int& value_2, int& value_3, int& value_4)
int initial_values[4] = { value_1, value_2, value_3, value_4 };
int values[4] = { value_1, value_2, value_3, value_4 };
for (int index = 1; index < 4; index++)
if (values[index] == 0) //if the value in box is zero skip mechanism
else //else
for (int in_index = index - 1; in_index >= 0; in_index--) //move into spaces if possible
if (values[in_index] == 0)
values[in_index] = values[in_index + 1];
values[in_index + 1] = 0;
}//move all
for(int index = 1; index < 4; index++)
if ((index != 0) && (values[index - 1] == values[index])) //combine with above one if possible
values[index - 1] *= 2;
values[index] = 0;
}//change all
for (int index = 1; index < 4; index++)
if (values[index] == 0) //if the value in box is zero skip mechanism
else //else
for (int in_index = index - 1; in_index >= 0; in_index--) //move into spaces if possible
if (values[in_index] == 0)
values[in_index] = values[in_index + 1];
values[in_index + 1] = 0;
}//move all
if (value_1 == values[0] && value_2 == values[1] && value_3 == values[2] && value_4 == values[3])
return 0;
value_1 = values[0];
value_2 = values[1];
value_3 = values[2];
value_4 = values[3];
return 1;
int MechanismEndCheck(int value_1, int value_2, int value_3, int value_4)
int initial_values[4] = { value_1, value_2, value_3, value_4 };
int values[4] = { value_1, value_2, value_3, value_4 };
for (int index = 1; index < 4; index++)
if (values[index] == 0) //if the value in box is zero skip mechanism
else //else
for (int in_index = index - 1; in_index >= 0; in_index--) //move into spaces if possible
if (values[in_index] == 0)
values[in_index] = values[in_index + 1];
values[in_index + 1] = 0;
}//move all
for (int index = 1; index < 4; index++)
if ((index != 0) && (values[index - 1] == values[index])) //combine with above one if possible
values[index - 1] *= 2;
values[index] = 0;
}//change all
for (int index = 1; index < 4; index++)
if (values[index] == 0) //if the value in box is zero skip mechanism
else //else
for (int in_index = index - 1; in_index >= 0; in_index--) //move into spaces if possible
if (values[in_index] == 0)
values[in_index] = values[in_index + 1];
values[in_index + 1] = 0;
}//move all
if (value_1 == values[0] && value_2 == values[1] && value_3 == values[2] && value_4 == values[3])
return 0;
return 1;
int EndCheck()
int is_change_present = 0;
for (int index = 0; index < 4; index++)
is_change_present += MechanismEndCheck(box_values[0][index], box_values[1][index], box_values[2][index], box_values[3][index]);
is_change_present += MechanismEndCheck(box_values[index][0], box_values[index][1], box_values[index][2], box_values[index][3]);
is_change_present += MechanismEndCheck(box_values[3][index], box_values[2][index], box_values[1][index], box_values[0][index]);
is_change_present += MechanismEndCheck(box_values[index][3], box_values[index][2], box_values[index][1], box_values[index][0]);
if (is_change_present == 0)
return 0;
return 1;
int GenerateRandom(void)
int source[2] = { 2, 4 };
int spaces_present[16];
int spaces_count = 0;
int rand_number;
for (int row = 0; row < 4; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < 4; col++)
if (box_values[row][col] == 0)
spaces_present[spaces_count] = (10 * row) + col;
if (spaces_count != 0)
rand_number = spaces_present[ rand() % spaces_count];
box_values[rand_number / 10][rand_number % 10] = source[rand() % 2];
return spaces_count;
void GamePlay(void)
char next = 'y';
int change = 1, vacancies = 16;
while (next == 'y')
if (change == 1)
vacancies = GenerateRandom();
printf("\nno change!\n");
if (EndCheck() == 0)
char wait;
printf("GAME OVER! :(\n\nbetter luck next time\n\n");
scanf_s(" %c", &wait, 1);
change = UserEntry();
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